Category "game-of-thrones"

Why do the wildings attack the wall where they do?

In S04E09 of Game of Thrones the wildings attack the wall in Castle Black, Why? We know that the wall is 100's miles long. They know that only 3 posts are mann

How did Melisandre know about Gendry's whereabouts?

During Game of Thrones S03E06 "The Climb" the red witch priestess Melisandre comes to the secret hideout of the Brotherhood Without Banners in order to take Gen

What was Margaery's motivation to call Cersei 'sister' again?

In S03E08 of Game of Thrones, Second Sons, Cersei Lannister and Margaery Tyrell are walking around the Sept of Baelor discussing their upcoming marriages to Lor

Who is "The Ghost of Harrenhal"?

Episode S02E05 of Game of Thrones is titled "The Ghost of Harrenhal". But I wonder to whom this title actually refers. Does this refer to Arya, seeing that she

What tune does Tyrion Lannister like to whistle?

At some occasions in Game of Thrones now and then Tyrion Lannister uses to whistle some melody (at least during the first two seasons, where he still had a bit

Why did Arya refuse to end it?

During the end of the season 4 finale of Game of Thrones, after "The Hound" has been defeated by Brienne of Tarth, he lies bleeding and dying and wants Arya to

How did Jon Snow know that Stannis was the rightful heir to the throne?

In the final episode of the 4th season of Game of Thrones, when Stannis reaches Mance Rayder's camp, Jon Snow tells Stannis that his father died for him.

Why leave King's Landing now?

SPOILERS for those yet to see Game of Thrones Season 4 Episode 10 The Children As soon as the bells start to toll for Tywin's death, Varys turns and takes a

Where does Stannis's army come from in S04E10?

In the last episode of Game of Thrones season 4, Stannis's army comes and kills the wildings. It's great but which path did they take to go behind the wall? Th

Did Oberyn "The Viper" ever expect to win the trial of combat?

As seen in the final episode of the fourth season of Game of Thrones, The Mountain is actually alive but dying a slow and painful death due to the poison t

What is the purpose of the changes to Game of Thrones show?

After finishing the fourth season of the the Game of Thrones show I was a little put off by the consistent divergence from the original storyline in the books.

Why was the character Coldhands not introduced in Season 4, when he was in the books?

In the book A Dance with Dragons; Coldhands is the one who leads Bran and the rest to the Three Eyed Raven, but in the TV series Game of Thrones this character

What motivated Cersei to engage with Lancel Lannister?

In episode S02E04 of Game of Thrones we (and Tyrion) learn that Cersei Lannister has an affair with Lancel Lannister. Seeing that she doesn't seem to get any ad

Why wasn't Arya left at the Eyrie?

In S4E8 of Game of Thrones, the Hound and Arya finally reach the Eyrie and are informed of Lady Arryn's death. In S4E10, Brienne finds Arya and the Hound ten m

Why are knights titled "Ser" in Game of Thrones?

In the books and literature following the Game of Thrones universe a knight's title is spelled with an 'e' not an 'i' for "Ser". Why is this?

Why was the necklace given to Sansa in season 4? [duplicate]

If Olenna was counting on killing Joffrey with the poison in the necklace in Game of Thrones season 4, why was it given to Sansa? How could sh

Does the White Walker induction ceremony exist in the books?

On what basis or with what reference was the White Walker induction ceremony included in the Game of Thrones episode "Oathkeeper" (S04E04) and where is it refer

Who is that girl who attacked Daenerys in the episode "Valar Dohaeris" (S03E01)?

In Season 3 Episode 1 (Valar Dohaeris) a young girl attempts to assassinate Daenerys with a scorpion-like creature and then disappears. Daenerys is saved by a

Why such a complex plan to smuggle the poison to the Purple Wedding?

What was the reason for the complicated plan to smuggle the poison that killed Joffrey in Game of Thrones S04E02 to the Purple Wedding? It's not like there's TS

What were the motivations behind the murder?

Why would Olenna want to poison king Joffrey in Game of Thrones season 4 before the marriage was consummated?