Category "george-lucas"

What else (other than Star Wars) has Lucas retconned?

We know Lucas has a habit of making a movie, then changing it every time he re-releases it. (If you're not clear what I'm looking for, Google "Han Shot First."

How much of Star Wars did George Lucas actually write?

I got into a semi-argument with a friend recently regarding how much credit to give George Lucas for Star Wars. She was commenting how he's an awful director an

Connection between Jar Jar Binks and the film "Alice"?

I was watching Jan Švankmajer's 1988 film Alice recently and was struck by the strong apparent similarity between the Frog Footman character that takes d

Was George Lucas inspired by philosophy of Buddhism or other philosophy to write the Star wars Scripts?

We all know now that Star Wars movies' father is George Lucas. As per Wikia he was the screenwriter for below mentioned scripts for Star Wars movies.. 1. Episo

In what ways was "Star Wars" influenced by "The Hidden Fortress"?

I've heard many times that George Lucas got some of his ideas for his 1977 movie Star Wars from Akira Kurosawa's movie The Hidden Fortress. I can see how Tahei

Why did George Lucas change it so Greedo shot first?

In his 1990s re-edit of Star Wars, George Lucas decided to show Greedo taking a shot at Han and missing before Han shot and killed him. Of course in the origina