Category "indiana-jones"

Why didn't he take the kids?

So why did our heroes take the crazy roller coaster mine cart ride to escape instead of just leaving with the liberated children in Indiana Jones and the Temple

Last Crusade motorcycle [closed]

In Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, what motorcycle did he drive around with his father (Sean Connery) in the sidecar? Was that model of m

When did Indiana Jones learn to fly a plane?

Consider the following sets of dialogue. The first is from Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (1984) and the second from Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1

Why does Indy pause while writing "neolithic" in the campus scene?

In the university campus scene in Raiders of the Lost Ark, Indy is writing "NEOLITHIC" on a black board. He reaches 'H', but pauses after putting down the two v

How does Indiana Jones take so much time off to treasure hunt?

Indiana Jones seemingly is able to ditch class at will and travel around the world for weeks at a time without risking losing his official job as a professor. H

Was there any need for Indiana Jones' actions concerning the grail?

Thanks to a slightly related comment elsewhere I was recently reminded of the third (and final) Indiana Jones movie. At the end of the movie it turns out that w

Does lead lining really work against a nuclear explosion?

In Indiana Jones: Kingdom of Crystal Skull, Jones is able to escape a nuclear explosion by using a lead lined fridge. I read

Why does the Ark burn the markings off its crate?

In Raiders of the Lost Ark, while the Ark is sitting inside a crate in the ship's hold we are shown that the crate mysteriously starts to burn, obscuring the sw

Did Spielberg plan on having Lao Che return in Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull?

Lao Che is a Chinese gangster in Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, played by Roy Chiao. The Wikipedia section on the character has the following unsourced s

Has the authenticity of the Raiders story conference transcript ever been determined?

Many years ago I stumbled across the Raiders Of The Lost Ark story conference transcript on a film review website. Supposedly this is a typed transcript of seve

Is there any connection between Indiana Jones's whip and his fear of snakes?

Indiana Jones is famous for using a whip as his primary weapon and tool of choice for most situations. Equally well known about him, and a major part of his cha

Whose arm is shown stopping the blade trap in The Last Crusade?

When Indy kneels and rolls forward to avoid the blade trap, there is a very quick shot an instant later of a forearm putting a piece of rope around a gear and s

In "Raiders of the Lost Ark", what script appears on the headpiece of the staff of Ra?

In Raiders of the Lost Ark, Indy has "the headpiece of the staff of Ra," which features writing in some language that he cannot read. He takes it to an interpre

Why is Henry Jones Jr. named Indiana?

In the movie series Indiana Jones, the title character is often called by Indiana Jones or just Indy. According to wikipedia, Dr. Jones' full name is Henry Walt

Is there a connection between the movies Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade and All Through the Night?

Does anyone know if there was a conscious borrowing of content or scenes from the Humphrey Bogart movie All Through the Night in the movie Indiana Jones and the

How did Elsa ransack the rooms and provide a credible story in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade?

Indy says at the castle, "... (Elsa) Ransacked her own room and I fell for it." From this we're supposed to accept that Elsa ransacked the rooms (includi

What goes into Belloq's mouth exactly? Is this a mistake, a joke on purpose, or something more?

In Raiders Of The Lost Ark, when Jones has the bazooka pointed to the Ark and shouts something, Belloq turns around and there's a moment in which you can see an

Was Michael Moore a second unit director on "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade"?

I notice that the name of one of the second unit directors on Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade is "Michael Moore". Is this the same Michael Moore who became t

What are Elsa's reasons for selecting the Holy Grail on behalf of Donovan?

At then end of "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade", Donovan agrees to let Elsa choose which cup might be the true Holy Grail. As we find out, she (and by exten

What is Mola Ram looking at in this shot?

In "Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom", what is Mola Ram looking at in this shot below? Is he looking at the Maharajah or is he looking at Willie, Short Roun