Category "limitless"

In the film "Limitless" (2011), why were the murder incidents relating to Eddie Morra downplayed by police?

In Limitless (2011): Eddie Morra was at the apartment just before and after the murder of Vernon Gant. He also called the police. Eddie Morra was at the hotel-

Why doesn't Carl use the pill to either replace or take out Eddie?

Carl has a supply of the drug, so why does he need Eddie to run for president, instead of putting his own candidate (on pills) in the running? Alternatively, wh

How were the zooming sequences performed?

In Limitless, one of the initial scenes features a unique zooming effect that is a rare find. How was this achieved and do these scenes serve any purpose story

Was the ending to Limitless reshot?

I love the 2011 movie Limitless. In the last scene, Bradley Cooper and Robert De Niro talk about Bradley becoming president and how Bradley has made his intelli

Whose hands are in the box?

I just saw Limitless again and there is one scene I don't quite understand: When Eddie and Carl are seeing the news about the leaked merger with Atwood and Edd

Who leaked the news about the merger?

After Eddie Morra comes back from the police station, he finds Carl watching a news report about the secret merger they were about to close. Carl is obviously

What was Eddie's long-term goal in Limitless?

In Limitless (the 2011 movie, not the TV show), Eddie Mora starts to take NZT and comes to some sort of epiphany where he formulates a long term plan. However,

Is Senator Morra on NZT or not?

Now, yes I know he is during the movie, but at the end he claims that the effects of NZT have been made permanent and he no longer needs it. But in the follow-

Has the denouement of Limitless been retconned?

In the closing scenes of Limitless, Bradley Cooper's character Eddie Morra reveals that he's weaned himself off NZT, such that he retains the positive effe

Where did Morra go for a holiday?

In this movie Limitless, Morra was invited by a group of friends to a tropical country where he drives a Maserati and jumps off a cliff. Where did he visit

Did Brian Finch break the fourth wall?

In the TV adaptation of the movie Limitless, they introduced a new character named Brian Finch. Throughout the series, Finch constantly speaks with the audience

Did Eddie Morra kill the blind third person?

In Limitless Eddie morra wanted to give NZT to a thug. He was out of it. In the fight he killed two persons but not the third one. What happened to the third?