Category "pitch-perfect"

Why was Beca's riff-off considered invalid?

In Pitch Perfect, why was Beca's riff-off considered invalid? What "it" did they need to match and how? I've watched this particular scene, like, 50 times and I

Did the soundtrack of Pitch Perfect cheat and use instruments?

Pitch perfect is a movie based on competitive acapella singing where the only sounds should come from the human voice. It is a great movie and a great soundtrac

Should the Trebles have been "cut off"?

Watching Pitch Perfect again, and through the riff-off, and it seems like the Trebles broke the rule of "stealing the song by picking off a word that they are s

Why does Jesse suggest that Beca pushes everyone else away?

In Pitch Perfect, Jesse says to Beca: I don't get where he's making this generalisation from. Yeah, she was a prat to Jesse himself, but I can't think of how

Did the actors sing for Pitch Perfect?

I was quite baffled after watching Pitch Perfect because the songs were really enticing. Moreover, I felt that the songs in the movie were much better than the

What is the song played in the radio station just before the semi-finals? [closed]

This song was a remix composed by Beca in the movie. What is the song played in the radio station just before the semi-finals?

Pitch Perfect Team building exercise name?

I am looking for the name of the "exercise" from this clip from Pitch Perfect 2 where they jump on the pillow-like thing at 1

Which comes first in song-and-dance movies: The soundtrack or the video?

In big-budget movies like the Pitch Perfect trilogy that are full of cast singing and dancing to sound-studio tracks, including close-ups with no obvious "lip-s