Category "the-wire"

Detective Leander Sydnor - What was the point?

You'd be hard pressed to find a bigger fan of 'The Wire' than me. The writing was superlative; amongst the very best ever. Having said that, I always struggled

How did Bunk cross McNulty?

In Season 1, Episode 7, there is funny, heart-warming bar scene between McNulty and Bunk. They're both drunk and McNulty's laying on all kinds of compliments.

What happened to "The Greek" in the Wire?

"The Greek" managed to board a plane with Vondas at the end of season 2 therefore avoiding being arrested. I remember a scene in season 5 where Marlo meets Von

The meaning of the intro to S01E01 of The Wire

In the intro of season 1, episode 1 of The Wire, detective McNulty and some random dude talk about the Snot Boogie being murdered because of a craps game. What'

What exactly was the "dirt" on Daniels in The Wire?

Now that I am rewatching the whole series, I don't recall that I ever fully understood what Cedric Daniels in "The Wire" did while working in the Eastern Distri

The Wire: Pager Cloning

In S01E05 the police finally gets all the paperwork to clone Dee's pager. I'm wondering how exactly they cloned the pager, as they had him in earlier episodes

The Wire: Payphone Code

In S01E05 of The Wire, why did they need to crack the code the way they did? Freamon said they got the pages and the numbers of incoming and outgoing calls of

Why didn't they go through with taking the case to the feds?

When the high command is about to shut down the Season 1 case on Avon Barksdale, McNulty comes up with taking the case to the FBI and he goes to them along with

Did Stringer Bell plan on having Avon killed?

I missed this part of the plot: the major incriminating thing the police got on String was talk about "two hitters", which the got on wiretap. I assume these hi

Why didn't Bubbles face any consequences for his work as an informant?

In The Wire, Bubbles was a drug addict who was a grass for Detective Greggs and other Balitmore cops. He was instrumental in providing evidence to help convict

Did Vince Gilligan or other major Breaking Bad participants acknowledge the Wire as an inspiration? Did any Wire people comment on Breaking Bad?

The two shows are often compared, and it's easy to see why. They have some common themes. They're both about the drug trade. They both deal with failing institu

What happened to the children Wallace was looking after?

In The Wire Wallace takes care of quite a few children. When he returns to the house at the end of series 1, they're all gone. Where? Poot and Bodie didn't kil

D'Angelo tap, tap, tap murder reference

In The Wire, Season 1, Episode 13 (The Sentencing), there's a scene where D'Angelo (Dee) is in the interview room with his own lawyer (not Levy) about 19 mins i

What is the significance of this photo?

In The Wire Season 2 Episode 7 "Backwash." in Frank's office there is a dart board with a black and white photo of someone. This implies the photo is someone t

Are those apartments in The Wire abandoned?

In the tv show, The Wire, people live in apartments with barricaded doors and broken windows. One example is shown below: Are those apartments abandoned or s

Why does Nick Sobotka have a pi tattoo?

Nick Sobotka is a major character in the second season of The Wire. In many scenes we can see that he has a very large letter pi (π) tattooed on the back of

Camera manipulating actor's heights? (Chris Bauer height? The Wire vs For All Mankind)

I've started watching For All Mankind and was pleased to see Chris Bauer in a strong supporting role playing Deke Slayton. I hadn't seen him in anything since h

What is that attachment on the telephone?

In The Wire, I noticed there was an attachment on the telephone set. What is it? I encircled it with a polygon.

In The Wire, how did they film the scene where the Franklin Terrace towers are collapsing?

I'm referring to the intro of Season 3. Did they actually collapse an old building for the sake of the series? Or did they film the collapse of a different buil

Did The Wire invent the "Jump 5" cipher?

This is a version of a question I asked on Security.SE, this time with a focus on the TV side of it. In S01E05 of The Wire, at around the 45:00 mark, it's revea