Category "sing"

What did Buster Moon say to the dancers that offended them? [duplicate]

During the movie Sing, Buster Moon constantly tries to shoo away five young, presumably Asian dancers, but finally he attempts to allow them i

What did Buster Moon say to the dancing foxes to offend them?

In the movie Sing, there is a scene where Dapper Koala tries to invite the dancing foxes to join his show. He picks up a dictionary and says something, after re

Why are all policemen rhinos?

All the policemen and prison guards in Sing seem to be rhinoceroses. The only exception I noticed are the pilots of police helicopters that are pigs. As far as

Did the animals that sustained injury in Sing survive?

In Universal's movie Sing, a few animals were injured: a snail, who was crushed by a buffalo, and supposedly taken to a hospital, albeit not on camera; and a ca