Category "stranger-things"

Why can the monster switch dimensions at will?

In Stranger Things, the dimension door in the electric power station is created by 011, but apparently the monster can switch dimensions at will (like in the By

Where does Eleven's mind go when she is in the sensory-deprivation tank? [duplicate]

Where does Eleven's mind go when she is in the sensory-deprivation tank in Stranger Things? Is it an alternate reality? Or is it a parallel un

Significance of the song "Should I Stay or Should I Go"?

What is the significance of the use of Should I Stay or Should I Go song in Stranger Things? That song is more a love song and used by Will for mentioning his

In "Stranger things" S01, How was wormhole in the base of a tree in the woods created?

In series "Stranger things" season 1, How were two worm holes (Ones that would open doors to parallel universe or Up-side-down) created? To be specific, How was

Are the gates to upside-down still open after the end of Stranger Things S1?

At the end of season 1 of Stranger Things, it is not clear whether the gates to upside-down are still open. Since the monster was killed, does the upside-down s

Why did the "demorgogon" visit Joyce in the house?

Last night I finished Stranger Things and as I understand the so-called demogorgon is attracted to blood and that's why it leaves The Upside Down. Why did it g

How was Will aware of the lights?

In Stranger Things (2016) Will Byers gets taken to the "Upside Down". But he manages to communicate with his mother, e.g through the christmas lights.  

Was Will Byers's search intentionally shown differently thematically from each character's perspective?

In Stranger Things, the story of each character's search for Will Byers seems to be represented thematically differently. Like Jim Hopper's search follows a con

Did the "Department of Energy" open any of the gates to the Upside-down?

It seems like a strange coincidence that the "stable" gate to the upside-down in Stranger Things is within a Department of Energy facility. But it seems like

How exactly did Will and Barb get into the Upside-Down?

Both Will and Barb from Stranger Things were hunted by the monster, who seems to have a tendency to take his victims into the Upside-Down before finally making

Where was Eleven going to find people

Where was Eleven from Stranger Things going to track people (when she was going in the bathtub). Was it the upside down? If yes, wasn't she in danger as well

Meaning of exodus scene in S1E8 of Stranger Things?

I am looking for an explanation of a mysterious scene early in Ep 8 (Season 1) of Stranger Things. At about 7min in there is a large movement of people out of

How did Chief Hopper and Joyce Byers decide where to go when seeking Will?

In the final episode of Stranger Things, Chief Hopper and Joyce Byers enter the upside down to rescue young Will Byers. They find that his last known shelter h

Why does almost everyone neglect Barbara Holland?

In Stranger Things, Nancy calls Barbara Holland's mother on the next day after the pool party. Mrs. Holland is expecting her daughter to have slept over at Nanc

Do the kids from Stranger Things have any analogues to the Dungeons & Dragons game characters?

Netflix's web television series Stranger Things seems to have many analogues to the role-playing game Dungeons & Dragons, especially as they call the monste

Why the tunnels were built all around the city?

I'm talking about Stranger Things Season 2 Spoilers ahead. In this season we saw that a creature (Shadow monster) emerged from another dimension who is tryin

Can you hurt upside down faceless monsters without magic at all?

In the first season of Stranger Things, we can see the "Demogorgon" being set on fire and shot by automatic weapons, without showing any signs of harm at all.

How do productions like Stranger Things or other similarly "not modern but still within recent memory" productions acquire period props?

For productions like Game of Thrones or The Hobbit, I assume prop and dress production is relatively easy -- While we have drawings and paintings, no one is ali

Why didn't the scientists in Stranger Things recognise this place?

In episode 6 of Stranger Things 2, The Spy, we see Will being manipulated by the Mind Flayer to set a trap for the "soldiers" of Hawkins Lab. As foresha

Which Dungeons & Dragons character class does Max belong to?

In continuation of Do the kids from Stranger Things have any analogues to the Dungeons & Dragons game characters? Does the new character, Max also belong t