Category "the-blacklist"

Is the Blacklist a serial TV show?

I've been interested in watching NBC's The Blacklist, but I've been busy and haven't had the time. And now when I have time, Hulu only has later episodes in the

What is Red's motivation?

On the TV show The Blacklist (2013), what does Raymond Reddington gain/what is his motivation for helping the FBI capture so many people on his “Blacklist

What is the significance of the Blacklist numbers?

The Blacklist is "A list I've been cultivating for over 20 years."— Raymond Reddington, The Blacklist, S1E1 "The Pilot" The first subject on the lis

Was The Decembrist always on the Blacklist?

I've just seen S2E8, "The Decembrist", of The Blacklist. The Decembrist was listed as #12 on the Blacklist. The Decembrist was the person who set up the rivalr

Why was Reddington looking for the girl?

Over the course of the first season of The Blacklist, we see Reddington looking for clues about a girl whom we may assume to be his daughter. Most notably, we s

How were Die Entrechteten able to track down Jacob Phelps and the Major?

Over the course of a couple of episodes of the second season of The Blacklist, starting with episode 14, we see Jacob Phelps on a new assignment from the Major.

Why did they “kill” this major character in The Blacklist?

At the end of "Mr. Solomon: Conclusion", the eighteenth episode of the third season of The Blacklist: Lizzy dies from her injures. Why did they make the

How did Kate survive being shot?

In The Blacklist, how did Kate survive being shot? I thought that Raymond didn't want to kill her but she said that he shot her in the head, so she couldn't pro

Why was Arioch Cain on the list instead of Wendigo?

In the fifth episode of the third season of The Blacklist, the person on the list is #50, Arioch Cain. Elizabeth Keen is targeted by Wendigo, a vigilante / bou

Where does "The Blacklist: Redemption" appear in the canonical viewing order for "The Blacklist"?

I'm currently working my way through The Blacklist from the beginning. At which point should I leave the main show and watch episodes of the spin-off series?

How did/What made Elizabeth go into a coma for 10 months?

In Season 5 Episode 8 of The Blacklist, Liz went into a coma for 10 months. I fail to see how a knock to the head could have achieved that. Did I miss somethi

Why did Pepper have the key to the Fulcrum?

In The Blacklist Season 2, Ep 5, "The Front", Reddington got a key from Beck's girlfriend, Pepper. The key is later revealed to be a key for the Fulcrum. Why w

Why did this character join the Mossad?

The character Samar Navabi is Iranian by birth, so what motivated her to sign on with an Israeli intelligence agency?

Why did the soldier slide 3 cartridges in the folded flag?

In Blacklist, at the end of the episode "Pattie Sue Edwards" (season 5 episode 15), Patricia Sue Edwards received a American flag when her husband was buried wi

Is Raymond Reddington actually Elizabeth Keens father?

I just watched the last episode of season 5 of The Blacklist. I don't quite understand how the DNA test from season 4 could come out as true if the imposter Ra

Did Raymond Reddington lie to Liz about not being her father?

In the TV Series "The Blacklist" starring James Spader as Raymond "Red" Reddington, he tells Elizabeth Keen that he is not her father when she asks him. It was

Agent Malik's Accent in The Blacklist

In the first series of the Blacklist, there is a character called Malik (Parminder Nagra) who is a C.I.A. liason officer to the group. She speaks with an Eng

Why did Francesca Campbell betray Red?

In Season 7 of The Blacklist, Francesca Campbell at first decides to help Red, seemingly having a conscience and principles, then she fails the test by betrayin