Category "tatort"

What was the meaning of the country song in the episode "Aus der Tiefe der Zeit"?

The Dominik Graf directed Tatort episode "Aus der Tiefe der Zeit" repeatedly employs a certain country song as in-scene background music at various occasions. M

Why does Liz change her wigs so frequently in the episode "Aus der Tiefe der Zeit"?

In the Dominik Graf directed Tatort episode "Aus der Tiefe der Zeit" Liz Bernard always wears a different wig in nearly each and every scene (the only scene whe

Were the oil paintings in the episode "Im Schmerz geboren" for real?

One of many unusual aspects of the amazing Tatort episode "Im Schmerz geboren" was the parts where the scene transformed into oil paintings showing stills of th

What makes David Harloff more of an Ariel than a Caliban?

The amazing Tatort episode "Im Schmerz geboren" didn't run short of references to classic Shakepearean tragedies, diegetically as well as structurally, but one