Category "the-lord-of-the-rings"

Who is the Lady of the Wood, and what's her relationship to the rest of the elves?

In The Fellowship of the Ring the group meets the Lady of the Woods during their trip. But who is she and what's her relationship with the rest of the elves. Fo

Why did Frodo need to go it alone, leaving Aragorn and Legolas behind?

Why does Frodo have to fly solo without the others at the end of The Fellowship of the Ring? Especially Aragorn and Legolas both seem like incredible assassins/

Why is the Witch King of the Nazgul able to be killed by a woman?

In The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King the Witch King of the Nazgul says that he can't be killed by a man, and then Eowyn says "I am no man" right bef

Why did Gandalf only use his magic powers against the Balrog? Why not before?

Why did Gandalf only use his magic powers against the Balrog in The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring? Why not before? Could he have used that kind

Can Galadriel see the future?

In The Fellowship of the Rings Galadriel gives each member of the fellowship a gift, many of these turn out to be critically useful in their quest: Frodo's lig

Was Saruman already under the thrall of Sauron?

During the first film of The Hobbit we see a meeting of the White Council in which Saruman seems unconvinced and even argues against the likelihood that Sauron

Who is our hero, Frodo or Sam?

The ring of power has a strange power to deceive people. There are many characters from "good" races who the ring is successful in polluting their heart. Isildu

Why didn't the fellowship use eagles to travel into Mordor?

Inspired by this parody, why didn't Frodo and the fellowship use eagles to travel (even part of the way) into Mordor?

How does Frodo write in English?

There's a scene at the ending of "Lord of the Rings - Return of the King", where Frodo appers finishing writing a book called "Lord of the Rings"... in plain En

Who is speaking when Gandalf uses the Black Speech?

When Gandalf says the Black Speech from the ring during the secret meeting in Rivendell, someone else is also speaking. Who is that? Is it the ring, or Gandalf?

Why does Gandalf start speaking in Black Tongue at the Council of Elrond?

Not much more description to give; I never understood that part. His justification is "that may not be the last time this voice is heard here" or something lik

What is the average life expectancy of Middle-Earth inhabitants?

I realize that some of this can be pieced together through recurring characters of the movies, but I wonder if anyone knows how long the different races are sup

Geography error

In the The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, when Treebeard is carrying Pippin and Merry, Pippin asks to be taken south toward Saruman's fortress. But the maps

How come the ground under Aragorn's army did not collapse after the ring is destroyed?

In Battle of the Morannon, when the ring is destroyed in Mount doom, the Dark Tower collapses. Then, The Eye of Sauron implodes and creates a shock wave which c

Is there any relation between the head-butting in LotR and the Hobbit?

Most of us Tolkien fans have seen the movies and may recall that in the first the Hobbit movie Balin and Dwalin head-butt each other when meeting at Bilbo's. Of

When does Gandalf realise that Bilbo's ring is the One Ring?

I don't have access to the books right now, but I believe in the books Gandalf didn't know in the beginning that Bilbo's ring was the one ring, so he did not im

Was the Lord of the Rings trilogy the first film series to be shot concurrently?

I know that the three films in the Lord of the Rings film series were quite famously shot concurrently. The films were then edited and completed, before being r

How does Smaug know about the Ring?

I recently watched The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug. In the movie, there is one shot where Bilbo enters the Lonely Mountain to find the Arkenstone and accide

Why did Bilbo want the ring back from Frodo?

I watched Lord of the Rings, and I saw a change in Bilbo when he had to give up the ring. He became mad and didn't want to part with it. When Bilbo was giving

Did Pippin die in Lord Of The Rings?

At the part in The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King after Pippin touches the Palantir when he is laying on the ground, is he dead then brought to life