Category "the-warriors"

What year was The Warriors (1979) first shown on TV or cable?

Is there a way to figure out the year the movie The Warriors (1979) was first shown on TV or cable?

Is The Warriors an accurate depiction of gang relations in 1970s New York City?

From the numerous gangs with their specific outfits and mannerisms, to the way they interacted and the meetings were arranged, was The Warriors an accurate depi

What was Luther's plan when he killed Cyrus in The Warriors?

When Cyrus proposed his plan of uniting the gangs of new york to rule the city, Luther killed Cyrus (probably because he didn't dig it). He later blamed the War

Was the movie The Warriors (1979) based on a book?

A friend claims that his father said that the movie The Warriors (1979) was based on a book. Can anyone substantiate that?