Category "thor"

What are Heimdall's activities during a normal day?

Rewatching Thor I realized that Heimdall seemed to be standing all day in or in front of the Bifrost, awaiting for someone to come by to let them in or not. I

How was Thor revived in Thor (2011)?

In Thor we see him get killed near the end of the movie by the Destroyer that was sent by Loki. Yet once he regains the hammer, all his injuries are gone. The e

Why not pull the rubble Mjonir was sitting on?

In the first Thor movie, many people tried pulling the hammer out of the crater into which Thor's hammer, Mjolnir, had just crash-landed. Why pull the hammer an

How is Thor worthy of Mjolnir?

So I just re-watched Thor and I started wondering how Thor is actually allowed to wield his hammer. The whole starting point for the movie is Thor taking reveng

MCU: Is Thor bulletproof?

In Avengers: Infinity War when the Guardians find Thor, he is alive even when his spaceship was destroyed by the Power Stone. Later Gamora says: It's like his