Category "trailers"

Why did I see Spider-Man with Captain America's shield in his hand?

In a movie trailer for the new Spider-Man movie coming out soon, they played certain key scenes and showed Spider-Man kicking butt, but the thing that got me is

What's with the loud trailers? [closed]

It seems like previews/trailers are crazy loud. I was just at a movie and had to step outside into the foyer and wait for these to end so that

Justice League 'Official Trailer' vs 'Heroes Trailer'

In the later Heroes Trailer for Justice League the color and settings are different from the first released Official Trailer. Why is it like that? Are offici

Why do some trailers contain scenes that aren't in the movie? [duplicate]

I'm an avid watcher of trailers. I watch trailers over and over again. I even watch trailers of movies that I don't plan on watching. But som

Alternate line before shooting down the bug's hijacked ship?

As a fan of the MIB movies, especially the first, I have this faint memory of seeing an alternate "punchline" or "gag line" between agents J & K before they

Signifincance of trailer of the trailer?

There's a trend nowadays to make a trailer of the trailer. At least for media like youtube. Why are the studios doing this? What's the point of adding a 5 seco

Why were the trailers so different to the final film? [duplicate]

I don't really understand where from they took those parts. Usually trailers contain main scenes from the film to convince fans to go to the c

How do I detect a real trailer?

Nowadays, when a trailer of an expected film comes out, fans usually make hundreds thousands of fake trailers. And most of the times on YouTube they call it lik

Where did people watch trailers before internet was invented?

Now, with the Internet, we can simply watch trailers of a film on YouTube or other sites. But how did people watch trailers before all this was created? Were tr

Differences between trailer and the Endgame movie

Marvel has a habit of putting differences in their trailers compared to the movies (E.g. Not showing Thor missing an eye in the Infinity War trailer). Were th

In The Heights trailer: "Dreamers" or "DREAMers"?

In the In The Heights trailer released this week, a character says the line "they're talking about kicking out all the dreamers." (1:31) Is this a generic refe

What is the significance of Für Elise in the trailer for Morbius?

The trailer for the upcoming film Morbius uses segments of Beethoven's "Für Elise" mixed in with an epic score like you'd expect from a movie based in the