Category "trope"

What is the name of this "backup plan of last resort" trope?

You know the old trope of how the person has a "backup plan of last resort" where in case of the person going missing or turning up dead, they have info that wi

What trope would Indiana never leaving his hat behind fall under?

In the Indiana Jones movies whenever his hat is lost he'll always at least try to get it back. He's risked limbs amongst other things in order to make sure he a

Why do criminals always leave the front door ajar so cops can easily detect something is wrong?

Why does it seem like in every cop based TV drama (CSI, Law and Order, etc.) that whenever something bad has happened that the front door is always left open or

Trope for nonlethal force being used in film fight scenes?

Is there a particular trope identifying drawn out fight scenes in film and TV where the Villain resorts to using wrestling moves vs. the Hero: punches, bear hug

Origin of the phrase "You're either very brave, or very stupid"

You're either very brave, or very stupid It's a common as dirt line from basically every action or drama movie ever, some examples from the top of my head

Is there a trope for a pile-on fight?

Is there a trope about one person being tackled and piled on and the hero uses tremendous strength to get up and the multiple opponents go flying? Here is what

Is there a specific "convenient parking" trope?

Is there a name for the trope where the characters in a car always just so happen to get a spot exactly in front of whatever location they're driving to? It's

Grabbing someone's wrist before they strike....?

I'm not usually one for Trope Identification, but after watching the The Hobbit: Battle of Five Armies I'm dying to know if this is identified... Is there a na

What's the name of the trope where a character answers the phone expecting someone and it's someone else?

Often used in horror movies, when the female victim answers the phone, jumping straight into conversation assuming it's their girlfriend, and it ends up being t

Hair changes in The Book of Life - What's this called?

In The Book of Life, I just noticed a very interesting graphic effect. Manolo's hair swirl physically changes from scene to scene to face the camera. Th

What is today's version of the 'cutting the phone line' trope?

I watched Kiss the Girls last night and thought it was funny in the final scene that it all happened because the bad guy pulled the phone line. If you watch an

What's the purpose of people shouting "Hello" into the phone several times after they've clearly been disconnected?

This is usually done with a landline phone. The character calls someone or someone is calling him, they talk for a while and then for any reason the other perso

Why do people never turn off the car headlights when they stop the engine?

In several movies, I keep noticing a trope: whenever someone is in a car at night, with a running engine, and headlights are on, they will keep the lights on, n

What is the name of this "character suddenly has expert knowledge" trope?

What is this called? The trope where, in some episode, a character suddenly has advanced, expert knowledge in a field that they have never mentioned, especially

What movie or TV show had the first instance of heroes walking in slow motion?

There's a trope of heroes walking towards the camera in slow motion, shoulder-to-shoulder. What was the first movie where this kind of shot was used?

Why is Los Angeles targeted for destruction so often in Hollywood movies?

One of my favourite types of films are ones where some form of cataclysm occurs (morbid I know). But one thing I have noticed in many films is the destruction o

What is the first instance of the "Saving humans from themselves" trope

After watching Age of Ultron (in which, ridiculously reduced, Ultron, tasked with saving humanity, decides that to save it, he must destroy it, because it is it

From which movies does the stereotypical b/w film noir voice-over introduction originate?

When doing stereotypical film noir style stories they always have the hard boiled black and white detective narrating to himself with smooth jazz playing while

The Simpsons/Futurama: walk in the dark with neon signs

In many episodes of The Simpsons or Futurama, a character (usually drunk or sad) walks in the dark with neon signs moving in the background; where does this com

Is it a trope that exposed electric wire in a pool causes electrocution?

We see in Movies and TV Shows that electricity and water don't mix. And when they do, fatal results take place. But I've heard that this is only an exaggeratio