Category "you-only-live-twice"

What was James Bond going to do in the Space Shuttle?

In You Only Live Twice, he is in Blofeld's bunker, dressed as an astronaut about to get on the space shuttle, when Blofeld stops him. What was his plan once he

Why did James Bond need to die in "You Only Live Twice" opening?

At the beginning of "You Only Live Twice", 007's death is faked. Why did James Bond's death need to be faked? Was it due to his mission to locate stolen US spa

How did Blofeld's control center manage to have live video feed of their own spaceship?

In You Only Live Twice, Blofeld's launch control room had a monitor that displayed a video feed of their own spaceship, from the side. How did they manage to

Why did Blofeld tell Hans to keep the keys to spaceship's self-destruct?

When Blofeld leaves the control center in You Only Live Twice, he gives the keys to self-destruct to his bodyguard, Hans. Why did he do that, as opposed to jus

Why did M force Bond to use Walther / why only Bond?

Early in Dr. No, M tells Bond to stop using a Beretta -- which Bond seems to prefer -- and start using a Walther PPK. They explicitly discuss the rationale. M e

Why is there a Madonna of Hans Holbein in You Only Live Twice?

In the 6th Bond film, You Only Live Twice (1967) , one of Blofeld's possessions is a Madonna of Hans Holbein, best exemplified as the Darmstadt Madonna: What

Why does James Bond burn the paper M gives him in 'You Only Live Twice'?

In You Only Live Twice (1967) M hands a note to 007 containing the address and name of the target Bond's supposed to meet in Tokyo. Instead of telling him these