Category "avengers-endgame"

How many timelines are there after Avengers Endgame?

There are a lot of questions about specific actions in the Endgame and how they affect the flow of time. There also many popular answers which are contradicting

Multiple timelines in Avengers Endgame

In the original timeline, Thanos fights infinity war and won in 2018. But if Thanos travelled to future in 2014 to 2023, shouldn't it create different timeline

What exactly does the Infinity Gauntlet do?

When Thanos snapped his fingers in Avengers: Infinity War, half the population of the universe died. So his plan was to come to the future to snap everything de

The Fate of the Asgardians on the ship [duplicate]

How did the Asgardians survive? I've been trying to noodle this through for a while now after seeing Avengers: Endgame. At the End of Thor: Ra

Given what happens in Endgame, why doesn't Dormammu come back to attack the universe?

Dormammu is the dark being trying to destroy the universe in Doctor Strange. Dr Strange uses the Time Stone to keep Dormammu away, this being is referenced in A

What happened to 'Gamora 2014'? [duplicate]

Correct me if I'm wrong, 'Gamora 2014' was last seen after she nut-kicked Quill and questioned Nebula if he is the one (her future lover). Fo

Which prior MCU films are specifically travelled to, or called out in Endgame?

This is NOT a duplicate of: What is the MCU film "Critical Path" to get proper backstory before watching Avengers: Endgame? ("Contextual backstory" is differen

Why did MCU not show Adam Warlock in Endgame?

When MCU teased Adam in the end of GOTG vol 2, I was sure that he will play an important role to defeat Thanos but haven't heard of that guy since then. I thoug

What was Thor-2014 doing when current Thor on Asgard?

Present Thor and Rocket go to Asgard to get the Reality Stone, Then Present Thor says that his mother is going to die today, then meets his mother and he gets

How do Captain Marvel's powers work in Endgame?

At the end of Captain Marvel, we find out that the reason Danvers's powers are so strong is that they are drawn directly from the Tesseract, AKA one of the

How did Nebula bring Thanos with her?

In Avengers: Endgame, how was Nebula from past able to bring Thanos and the army into the future? The Avengers who build the machine could not do this and req

How can Thanos retrieve the Soul Stone without Gamora?

I understand that Captain America returns the Infinity Stones at the end of Avengers: Endgame to allow the original MCU timeline to continue. My question is, ho

How did Captain America use this power?

Avengers: Endgame has given us a huge "sigh of relief" when Cap lifted Mjölnir. But as we know from Thor: Ragnarok Mjölnir was just a way for Thor to

State of the universe and the Infinity Stones at the end of Endgame?

After Avengers: Endgame, the Infinity Stones are destroyed and therefore no longer exist in the universe. How does that fit into the Ancient One's explanation t

How can Infinity Stones be handled by humans but almost killed Peter Quill?

I thought that normal people couldn't handle the Infinity Stones without something to control their power? The main scene that drives this home for me is the

Why didn't Doctor Strange summon the whole army in Infinity War? [closed]

In Infinity War, why did Doctor Strange even let Thanos snap in the first place by letting half of them die and even giving away the Time Ston

How were the Infinity Stones replaced?

At the end of Avengers: Endgame, Captain America is given the job to go back in time and restore the Stones to where they stole them originally. The question: w

Why was Steve Rogers' yard so overgrown?

At the very end of Avengers: Endgame, we see a scene that has the feeling of an epilogue. The camera starts on a suburban street. A red car from the 1940's (whi

How does this character return this stone in its original form? [duplicate]

When Tony took the stone from 1970, it was in the form of the Tesseract but at the end of the movie Captain America goes back to return the st

What did Doctor Strange mean by the last thing he said in Infinity War?

In Infinity War, Dr. Strange's last statement to Tony is "Tony, there was no other way." What did he actually mean in Endgame? Was he referring to whether on