Category "avengers-endgame"

Explanation regarding Captain America's timeline

If Steve Rogers, as Avengers: Endgame has shown, never went on the ice to go to the future to form the Avengers, then the current timeline doesn't make sense. A

Mjolnir's timeline from Thor's perspective [duplicate]

In Avengers: Endgame Thor took his hammer from the Asgard in the past and brought it back to the present. So, does Thor from the past use pres

How is the presence of Captain America explained? [duplicate]

Towards the end of 'Endgame', Captain America goes back in time to return all the stones. But instead of returning to the current timeline, he

Black Widow's story after Endgame [closed]

In Avengers: Endgame we saw Black Widow sacrificed her life to get the soul stone, but we know for a fact that there's a Black Widow movie in

Why didn't other heroes use the Gauntlet while they were playing catch with it?

In Avengers: Endgame the Infinity Gauntlet passed through many hands while reaching the time travel van. There was a significant risk of Thanos reclaiming the G

Is there an in-universe explanation for particular group of superheroes in Endgame?

During the final battle in Avengers: Endgame, there is a fantastic moment when all the female superheroes come together to face Thanos. The group begins small,

Explanation regarding Captain America's timeline

If Steve Rogers, as Avengers: Endgame has shown, never went on the ice to go to the future to form the Avengers, then the current timeline doesn't make sense. A

Did Endgame just hint about the Soul World? [closed]

All the people, including Avengers, who dusted in the Infinity War are brought back in Endgame. But they didn't bring back Vision, Loki and He

Why didn’t Captain Marvel put the gauntlet on?

At the end of Avengers: Endgame there is a climatic battle. Through the course of the battle, Thanos is trying to get the gauntlet Tony made with the Infinity S

How did Tony Stark create this?

How did Tony Stark create an Infinity Gauntlet in Avengers: Endgame? Is it not a given that the Gauntlet must be enchanted or else the dwarves would not be requ

Why use this song in Avengers: Endgame Opening Logo Sequence?

In the Opening Logo Sequence of Avengers: Endgame they used the song, Dear Mr. Fantasy. Avengers: Endgame Opening Logo Sequence

Peggy's age in Avengers Endgame

The first Captain America movie happens in the 40s. Steve falls in love with Peggy then. In Avengers Endgame, Cap and Ironman travel to 1970. Cap sees Peggy t

Will this character get back his Infinity Stone?

In Avengers: Endgame, as all the stones were returned to their timeline, will Doctor Strange have the time stone now?

How is Hawkeye able to withstand this thing? [duplicate]

In Avengers: Endgame, Hawkeye retrieves the soul stone, holding it in his hand (seemingly without difficulty). However, in previous movies, e

If the Infinity Stones created the universal timeline, then what happens if they are destroyed?

So, in Avengers: Endgame The Ancient One explained that the Infinity Stones create the passage of time (or words to that effect). We are told that Thanos snapp

Do vanished people know what happened after the snap?

In Avengers: Infinity war Thanos's finger snapping caused wiping out half of the universe. And in Avengers: Endgame, when the Avengers got all the Infinity Ston

How can Captain America's shield get damaged?

Everybody knows that Captain America's shield is one of the strongest metals. Even in the first Avengers movie, Thor's hammer did not even scratch it. So how d

Why does Tony call his daughter Maguna?

Tony calls his daughter Maguna a couple of times in the movie. (Or at least uses that word around her. I don't know if that's just a nickname or has a deeper co

What's the metal clinking sound at the end of credits in Avengers: Endgame?

Avengers: Endgame, unlike other movies in the MCU, doesn't have a post credit scene. During my first watch, I heard a distinct metal clinking sound at the e

Why does Captain America not land in the same place after time travel?

After the time travel why doesn't Steve Rogers land in the same place(the time portal), rather he seems to be sitting on a bench near the lake! How's this possi