Category "black-mirror-bandersnatch"

How do I get a happy ending in Bandersnatch?

In Black Mirror: Bandersnatch, whatever I pick I end up with Stefan being in jail with one or multiple murders and his game failed, either due to his crimes or

Is there a canon story or ending to Bandersnatch?

Black Mirror: Bandersnatch has a branching story and multiple endings before the credits roll. Is there a canon, final ending or certain set series of events i

How many options actually exist?

The interactive Netflix film Black Mirror: Bandersnatch has many points where the user has to choose the path the story will take. Some of these choices make l

Default choices in "Bandersnatch"

The information that can be found regarding Black Mirror: Bandersnatch default choices path (i.e. when the viewer is watching the film without any interaction)

Why does Bandersnatch have dead ends?

I saw Black Mirror: Bandersnatch (2018) and got a dead end by choosing the option where the protagonist destroys his computer when his "finished" code turns up

What is the secret ending of Black Mirror: Bandersnatch?

In Black Mirror: Bandersnatch, there are multiple endings and there suppose to be a secret ending, which was hinted by Netflix itself: But did we figure out

Did the Tuckersoft director give enough money to the intern?

In the first minutes of Bandersnatch we can see the director of the "Tuckersoft" company - Mohan Thakur - sending one of his younger employees (I'm assuming an