Category "film-location"

Where was the opening scene of Knight and Day filmed?

The opening scene of Knight and Day shows the two main characters "accidentally" bumping into each other twice, in the Wichita airport. The city of Wichita, and

Were Poltergist and E.T. filmed in the same neighborhood?

Were the two 1982 Spielberg movies E.T. and Poltergeist filmed in the same neighborhood? They were both filmed in tract housing developments during the same yea

Why was Gotham City moved to New York City in The Dark Knight Rises?

The Dark Knight was shot in Chicago. And so was Batman Begins. But The Dark Knight Rises is clearly shot in New York City. Why was Gotham moved to a new c

Filming Location: Fox Hills Crematory in Law & Order: Criminal Intent

Anyone know where the Fox Hills Crematory in the Law & Order: Criminal Intent episode "DEAD" (S2:E1) was filmed? It looks an awful lot like the carriage ho

Where are Monica and Chandler's apartments?

In the TV show Friends, what is the real world address for the building always shown in exterior shots of Monica's (and the separate apartment across the hall w

Is X Files shot on location at UMD's campus?

This is a somewhat obscure question, but through a bit of Googling and a bit of background work, I've been unable to find an answer. I'm a UMD student, and hav

How much in Taken 2 was actually filmed in Istanbul?

In Taken 2, the characters end up in Istanbul. In the film we end up seeing quite a bit of a market and surrounding buildings. Were any of the scenes actually

Why was Stephen Colbert's cameo in The Office done entirely by webcam?

In the U.S. series The Office episode entitled Here Comes Treble Stephen Colbert plays the role of "Broccoli Rob", a Cornell alum and a Capella who competes wit

Where was the Scottish Skyfall scene filmed?

I know Scotland very well and have several theories of my own but can anyone tell me where this iconic shot was taken? Ideally I'm after as accurate a location

Shooting location for Cloud Atlas: where is this tower?

I would love to find out the name of this tower: It's in Cambridge, but that's about all I know. It's for a project. IMDB is pretty inconsequential. Is ther

Where were Saul & Mira at the end of Season 3?

Near the close of the last episode of series 3 of homeland we see Saul & Mira relaxing on the rooftop of a sun-kissed building; but where are they? I think

Soundtrack idioms in movies

I use the term "Soundtrack idiom" to mean a very short musical phrase that immediately informs the viewer that the scene has shifted to a new location, and also

What city is Sin City based on, if any?

I know Sin City is fictional, but so are Gotham City and Metropolis, both of which are obviously New York City (one of the DC writers, I forget who, once said G

What real-world mountain was used in Where Eagles Dare?

What is the real-world mountain that was used for filming the cable car scene in Where Eagles Dare?

Were the barn scenes in Transformers: Age of Extinction and Astronaut Farmer filmed at the same location?

Wondering if two scenes were filmed in the same place... I just saw Transformers: Age of Extinction and was struck by the barn where Mark Wahlberg's character

When did movies first start to show real world from inside a car?

When did movies first start to show real world from inside a car and not a studio-based rear projection? What was the first movie that contains car sequences al

Was there a real Skyfall house in Scotland?

I was re-watching Skyfall, and saw that his parents' house was supposed to have been in Scotland. I was guessing right next to Hogwarts. So, the question is, i

What city is used for cityscape shots in The Flash?

The shows Arrow and The Flash take place in Starling City and nearby(?) Central City. My understanding (assumption) is that both shows are filmed in Vancouver,

How would a producer decide whether to use a real or "mock" site for filming?

I'm working on a screenplay that features a scene in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Specifically, the hero and heroine are shown walking around the capital's "Casa Ro

How did "Good Kill" get the cooperation of the Air Force?

How did Good Kill (2014) get the cooperation of the Air Force? It's a heavy handed moralistic drama about an ex-airman who is driven to drink because of his "c