Category "identify-this-movie"

What is the name of the John Woo movie that has this telephone caller id tracing battle scene? [closed]

The main scene I remember is that some kidnappers do a sophisticated setup (which they are kind of proud of) to avoid tracing of the caller id

Seeking a circa 50s/60s science fiction movie with a Portal [closed]

I was recently watching Schoolhouse Rock with my son and the cartoon for "Nouns" came on. There is a rectangular portal that acts like a giant

Cheesy-looking pac-man monster in an alternate reality where most people disappeared [closed]

I think this was a made for TV movie, and a Stephen King novel, but I just looked up his works and nothing rang a bell. The story was about a

Movie where Peter Lorre asks, "Can I kill him? Can I kill him now, boss?" [closed]

I know this is a bit on the trivial end, but I'm trying to locate a movie for reference in something I'm writing. I know I've seen this somew

"There are two kinds of people" quote [closed]

I'm trying to remember the title of a movie that had this quote (or something very similar) in it, can anyone help? "there are two kinds o

A movie about a bank robbery? [closed]

I remember watching this movie at least 12 years ago. It involves a guy sending letters to his criminal associates detailing a planned robber

Identify this alien invasion movie with invisible aliens [closed]

There was a movie that came out about 1-3 years ago at most that was about an alien race that invaded Earth and they hid in plain sight, and w

A woman gets turned into a man by a makeover machine [closed]

I remember seeing this movie between 2000 and 2008 on one of the premium TV channels like HBO or Showtime. In the movie there is this girl th

Identify Cop Drama where main character helps his partner out of a crime [closed]

The following scene is from a movie I watched several years ago. I would guess the movie itself was released between 1995-2005. Cops and Medi

What horror movie feature a rock concert on an airplane? [closed]

In the late 90's early 2000's I caught part of this movie on at like 3AM on I think USA but could have been AMC. It is a movie about the firs

Seeking a sci-fi movie with a laser pistol and an amulet [closed]

I'm looking for a movie (Circa early 80s, maybe late 70s) about a teenager who finds a laser pistol and succumbs to "Power corrupts" eventuall

Boy in a toilet talking to an evil insect-like creature [closed]

I watched a movie approx 5/6 years ago on TV and I don't remember its name and watched it only for 5 minutes. Now I want to watch it in full b

Movie with the same weapon as in "The Rock" [closed]

What is the name of the movie which uses the same "VX Poison Gas Pearls" as a weapon that "The Rock" used. Maybe they have another name in the

Deaf girl finds a dog and trains him to be a service dog [closed]

I saw this movie about 10-15 years ago. It is a movie about a deaf girl. One day she walks across the street and doesn't hear a car comming

Trying to find a movie with fantasy religion-based world [closed]

I am trying to locate a movie that I saw only a few scenes to while recovering from some injuries. If I am remembering correctly, the protagon

Psychological thriller in which the verse "My father was a penny" keeps recurring on a wall? [closed]

I dont recall much of that movie except that it was a psychological thriller, and a verse was scribbled on a dilapidated wall. In one scene, t

Name of an independent film whose making was documented by another film....Heart of Darkness kind-of-thing [closed]

The film and, I believe, the Documentary about the making of the film start with C. Like Corvalis, or Cromanthus.... The documentary was sho

Stop-motion animation about a conductor with a large moustache [closed]

I don't have a whole lot to go on here, but I am trying to identify a very old children's VHS. I would have seen the VHS in the very early 90'

Movie where jury gets swapped just before a trial begins? [closed]

I was having a chat this morning about jury duty and I thought of a scene from a film. The set up is that whoever is being tried in this case

Boy carves Initials onto turtle shell; years later, turtle is gigantic [closed]

Years ago (late 80’s to early 90’s), we watched a movie in which a seaside town is terrorized by a sea-monster which turns out to