Category "jurassic-park"

Why turn back instead of following the Jurassic Park tour route?

I was re-watching Jurassic Park (1993) recently, trying to follow the characters' paths on a map, and noticed something a bit strange. Note this question relate

Where did the leg go?

In Jurassic Park, the two kids are in the car at night and there is the T-Rex trying to get them...all the while their torch is flashing. When the leg landed on

Why did the Jurassic Park gas-powered jeeps have amber tail lights?

Beyond the electric tour vehicles, Jurassic Park operates a number of gas-powered jeeps. Two scenes in particular... rescuing Dr. Malcolm from the T-Rex and N

Could Isla Sorna support its dinosaur inhabitants in the Jurassic Park movies?

With a size of about 150 square miles, would the island from the 2nd and 3rd movies have had the necessary vegetation to support its herbivorous dinosaurs for v

Did the Volcano on Isla Nublar exist in the first "Jurassic Park" movie?

In Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom (2018) the island's dormant volcano begins roaring to life ... My first thought was, why would InGen build a park on a

Is it possible to debug 2 million lines of code? (The scene with Nedry at Jurassic Park) [closed]

In a famous scene with John Hammond and Nedry, Nedry says that he is the only one who can debug 2 million lines of code. So after that scene a

Was there a dinosaur-counter in the original Jurassic Park movie?

I remember seeing Jurassic Park when it first came out. And I remember a scene describing a counter that kept track of the number of dinosaurs, so the operators

Was Tim's reaction to the electric fence realistic?

In Jurassic Park when Tim, Dr. Grant and Lex are climbing the fence and Tim gets shocked, he immediately goes flying off the fence. How realistic was this beh

Lex Falling Through The Ceiling in Jurassic Park

When Lex falls through the ceiling in Steven Spielberg's 1993 classic Jurassic Park, we clearly hear her screaming. However, as we hear her screaming, we do not

Was there a reason why nobody fired a gun on-screen in Jurassic Park?

Watching Jurassic Park, something odd stuck out to me that I've never heard talked about: why does a movie with at least three gun scenes in it never actually f

Why the T-Rex always attack at the rainy night in the first two films?

In the first two Jurassic Park films directed by Spielberg, we witness that the Dinosaur always attacks at night with the rainy weather. Particularly if the T-r

Why does Lex turn on the flashlight?

In Jurassic Park (1993) when the T-Rex breaks free from the cage, the two kids are alone in the car. The T-Rex is interested in the Grant/Malcolm car, but Lex t

If John Hammond was known for "sparing no expense" all things Jurassic Park, why was Dennis Nedry so underpaid?

The entire reason why Jurassic Park had catastrophic issues was because Dennis Nedry considered himself severely underpaid (and underappreciated)... Several tim

In jurassic park, are velociraptor names made up? [closed]

I am wondering if the velociraptor name is legit, or was made up only for the movie.