Category "kill-bill"

Where did O-Ren Ishii learn to be an assassin, and when did she actually join Bill's squad?

In the Kill Bill movies, where did O-Ren learn to be an assassin, and when did she actually join Bill's squad?

"Or perhaps it is I who have penetrated you?" (Gogo Yubari)

I couldn't find a clip with english subtitles, but to refresh memory, a guy in Kill Bill: Volume 1 is attempting to pickup Gogo in a bar, and the scene ends on

Between the mass fight and her duel with O-Ren, the Bride tells Sofie to stay put. Why does she obey?

After cutting off Sofie's arm defeating the Crazy 88, the Bride announces (from memory): "Those of you who are still alive and wish to keep their remaining limb