Category "realism"

Is it really possible to create a mind palace?

In Sherlock the BBC TV series the protagonist Sherlock and the villain Magnussen are able to recall information from their mind similar to searching for a file

Are the events depicted in FX's Fargo TV series really true?

The first episode of FX's Fargo series begins with the disclaimer- THIS IS A TRUE STORY. The events depicted took place in Minnesota in 2006. At the req

Stock Footage of Alan Shepard in The Right Stuff?

In The Right Stuff (1983) lots of stock footage is used. There's one scene in particular that I'm pretty sure uses stock footage. But I'd like a confirmation. I

Can the police lie to make a suspect confess?

In The Mentalist S6 Ep 17 "Silver Wings of Time" they construct an elaborate deception to trick the real killer into confessing. How realistic is this concep

Realism of the responsibilities of the senior staff in the West Wing

I am in the middle of a West Wing marathon and I was wondering regarding the powers and responsibilities that the Communications director and Deputy Communicati

Does After Earth's sci-fi jargon have any basis in reality or is it complete gibberish?

One of the most quoted lines from After Earth is: Graviton buildup could be a precursor to mass expansion. This phrase is not only very memorable, but it'

How realistic is the brainwashing shown during Season 3 and 4?

In Season 3 of Game of Thrones, karma really has it in for one of the main characters, who after betraying his friend ends up in a very unfortunate position:

Why do movies & TV use this police radio clip over and over?

Quick background The sound I am referring to can be heard in this video, in the police radio at 0.26. It sounds like, "one-four-one celibacy". I've noticed thi

Equivalent of 555 for IP addresses

I came across a tweet complaining about 24 using 2.718.281.828 as an IP address, which obviously wouldn't work. Others responded that using a non-functional IP

What is the equivalent of 555 for postal addresses?

We all know the 555-0100 to 555-0199 numbers used for fake phone numbers. Suppose there's a letter on screen for a short time, addressed to the villain, with t

Why do people in movies commit suicide by slitting their wrists in the wrong direction?

It is commonly known that the probability of surviving after slitting your wrists is much higher if you cut horizontally and that you should cut along the forea

In the movies - Do wire transfers really work?

In a lot of the movies the bad guys seem to prefer wire transfers as their payment method of choice. In the recent movie Non-Stop, the terrorist provides a bank

Why is it Okay for movies / TV shows, to show that their story is based on real events when it is actually not?

I just finished watching the TV show Fargo. Each episode begins with the lines that this is based on real events. When I looked for it on Wikipedia, it said

The need of a Matrix [duplicate]

I always wondered why the hassle creating the Matrix anyway? Yes, the machines need energy which can be harvested in the form of biological e

Are those movie masks for real where A impersonates B? [duplicate]

You know the kind I mean. At the intro of Mission Impossible, we see Tom Cruise, who suddenly hooks a hand beneath his jaw and tears of his fa

How close is Masters of Sex to the actual events?

Masters of Sex tells the Story of the research team consisting of William Masters and Virginia Johnson researching sexuality in the 1950s. The persons really ex

Other Species' Lifespan Compared to Lions'

In The Lion King, we are shown a family of lion royalty over multiple generations, as well as its subjects and other animals involved with its kingdom, the Prid

Terminator Haircut Change

Is there a reason why Terminator haircut changes after he crashes into the wall? Is there a deleted scene by any chance that was cut out as one can see that hai

Is the tank scene in the A-Team physically possible?

The scene where the A-Team is in the tank and its falling from the air, they fire the canon and it stops from falling for a moment before falling again. Is this

Is this laser experiment shown on Big Bang Theory possible?

In Season 3 episode 23 they use a laser to measure the distance between the Moon and the Earth though in the episode Leonard states the conclusion of the experi