Category "the-guest"

Why did the operators just came to the house?

As the movie The Guest was quite consistent I can't figure out one thing - why did Major Carver, KPG executive, not carry out any kind of reconnaissance before

Why did David choose to ingratiate himself into Caleb's family?

In The Guest (2014), a photo proved that Caleb and David were some sort of comrades during their service with the US armed forces, so it made sense that Caleb's

How and when did David kill Mr. Peterson's boss?

Mr. Peterson's boss is the only death in The Guest (2014) that wasn't shown on screen. I can't figure out how David could've fit this in his schedule: Day 1: D

Was David who he claimed to be?

In the tense thriller The Guest, David appears at a family home claiming to be an ex soldier and colleague of the family's dead son Caleb. The family has a phot