Category "war-for-the-planet-of-the-apes"

Will I understand "War for the Planet of the Apes" if I don't watch the rest of the movies? [duplicate]

I would like to know if I can just watch any one of the Planet of the Apes franchise movies and understand it, or do I have to watch all of th

Did Winter purposefully allow Red to escape?

In War for the Planet of the Apes, the white ape Winter is on Caeser's side. After the first battle, they capture some soldiers and the traitor gorilla Red. Win

Is the human disease as bad as the Colonel believes it to be?

In War for the Planet of the Apes, the Colonel is trying to avoid the spread of the disease which turns talking humans to non-talking beasts. He claims his son

How come Nova's dad could talk?

In War for the Planet of the Apes, the Colonel is trying to avoid the spread of the disease which turns talking humans to non-talking beasts. In fact, by the en

Why don't apes other than Caesar speak English?

The accepted answer on the question Other apes with gained intelligence? says about Maurice (Orangutan): This big ape did not gain intelligence from treatme

In the modern Planet of the Apes series, are there subtitles for the sign language?

I just rented War for the Planet of the Apes on Google Play. If I watch without subtitles, there are quite long scenes purely in sign language, which feels a li