Category "the-shape-of-water"

What is the meaning of the color green in The Shape of Water?

In Guillermo Del Toro's The Shape of Water, the color green comes up several times, but I feel like I missed something because it never seemed to serve a purpos

Was Elisa also not human?

In The Shape of Water, Elisa is an orphan, found near a river. She's mute, and has gill-like scars in her neck. At the end of the movie, the Amphibian Man heals

What is the significance of the beginning scene in The Shape of Water?

The movie Shape of the Water starts with everything floating around in the house in water. I thought it will be explained somewhere till the end of the film but

Significance of Man with a piece missing cake in Shape of Water

At the beginning of The Shape of Water when Elisa is going to her work, at the bus stop there was a man sitting there with a cake (looked like a birthday cake)

What is the connection between Guillermo del Toro and the video game Portal?

In Pacific Rim, the voice of GladOS from Portal can be heard (whether it was in the Gipsy Danger Jäger or the Hong Kong facility, I can't remember). Del To

Is Strickland's candy based on a real candy?

In the movie The Shape of Water, the government agent Strickland has a favorite type of candy that he often chews. He mentioned that the candy is cheap and comm

What was The Shape of Water's Elisa really saying?

There is a scene at 1h 15m where Strickland is interrogating Elisa and Zelda. It feels like, in the end, Elisa said something different from what Zelda repeat

Why didn't Elisa release Amphibian Man into the ocean in the first place?

So, she plans to release him (the Amphibian Man) into a nearby canal when it rains to give access to the ocean. Why wait? Why didn't she release him into the oc

The waiter's dialogue from The Shape of Water [closed]

In The Shape of Water Giles enters a restaurant. After Giles orders a pie, a waiter tells him about how the restaurant works, changes accent a

What does Bob mean by "there's no profit in last week's fish"?

I am not sure what Bob is talking about in The Shape of Water when he says: There's no profit in last week's fish. What does this mean? He said this is wh