Category "white-house-down"

What happened to Tyler?

Near the end of White House Down the hacker, Tyler, having finished his work puts on a military uniform (probably for disguise) and tries to escape by the tunne

Contradictions in Raphaelson's plan in White House Down

In White House Down: Raphaelson is in the pocket of the defence industry which makes money by selling weapons to the ME. But he also wants to nuke the region.

John Cale's knowledge of the involvement of 3rd parties

In the movie James Woods was the one behind the terrorist attack; but how did John Cale come to know about the involvement of the "Speaker of the House of Repre

What is 'The Thing' the President talks about?

I some days ago saw this film White House Down and the president does "The thing" twice (during starting and ending of the film). What is "The Thing"? I actual

Why didn't Air Force One defend itself when under attack by a missile?

In the movie White House Down, when hacker Skip Tyler gains access to NORAD command and fires a missile at the presidential plane, it just crashes into the grou

In reality does the nuke code still work even when the president is a hostage?

In the movie White House Down (2013) the US president gets into a hostage condition. The enemies use him to activate the nukes. In reality, is that possible? Wo

Was the siege on for a whole day or over several days?

In White House Down the siege looks like it hasn't had a single night in it. Was it going for a whole day or was there night in the movie too?

Where did Kale get the grenades from?

You see in White House Down that the White house has been taken into siege. Kale has been trapped inside but not taken hostage and manages to save the Presiden

How did they film the special forces helicopter crashes?

in White House Down, We see in the following youtube clip: That when special forces went to attack the White House, the capti

Why did she suddenly turn on the agency?

In the movie White House Down (2013), we know that a bomb is on its way to blow up the White House. During this time, in one agency, they call an opposing opera

Why did John Cale remove a bullet from the gun?

A few days ago, I watched White House Down (2013). At one point, John Cale gives his gun to someone to be stored, and after removing the magazine, he takes one