Category "avengers-age-of-ultron"

How did Variety know how many families went to see "Avengers: Age of Ultron"?

Variety says the following about the opening weekend for Avengers: Age of Ultron: Roughly 59% of the audience was male, 41% was 25 years and older, 12% were

Why did Hawkeye become immune to mind control effects?

In Avengers: Age of Ultron, there is a scene in which Scarlet Witch manipulates the Avenger's to reveal their worst nightmares, but when it comes to mind contro

How do HYDRA get the Leviathan to Strucker's base?

At the start of the Avengers: Age of Ultron movie, the Avengers are on a mission, attempting to retrieve Loki's staff from HYDRA. They're attacking a castle whi

How did Thor know the Power stone was in play?

It's pretty obvious that Thor would know about the Tesseract, Aether and the Mind Stone, since he physically came into contact with all three and was instrument

What did the Hulk see during his nightmare vision?

As the Avengers make their first move on Ultron, he uses Scarlet Witch to give the entire team (except Hawkeye) visions of their worst nightmares. Thor saw th

Is J.A.R.V.I.S. the Vision? [duplicate]

So... me and my friend have been arguing ever since Avengers: Age of Ultron was released. He thinks that Vision is literally just Jarvis in a

Why did Ultron want a flesh body?

In Avengers: Age of Ultron, the titular robot compels a Korean scientist to make him a body into which he plans to transfer his consciousness. Why? Such a body

Can someone explain how Ultron feels pain in this particular scene?

I am talking about the scene in Avengers: Age of Ultron where Scarlet Witch supposedly makes Ultron feel pain. I mean the total human concept of really feeli

What's that “Sun’s getting real low…” lullaby thing to calm down the Hulk?

Avengers: Age of Ultron Movie CLIP - Black Widow Tames Hulk They found a way to calm down the Hulk. Black Widow tells him so

If Scarlet Witch of MCU has the ability to fly, why didn't she attempt to fly earlier?

Apparently Scarlet Witch does have the ability to fly. She's clearly levitating in this particular scene from Avengers: Age of Ultron which I didn't notice unti

Avengers: Age of Ultron - "Sokovia" filming location?

I am talking about a specific scene in Avengers: Age of Ultron (at ~00:04:17 (+/-)), it is shortly after Stark's iron legion lands on Sovakia's streets declarin

How did Veronica get from Earth's orbit to Johannesburg in a matter of seconds?

From the looks of it, the containment chamber and the Hulkbuster in Avengers: Age of Ultron seem to be floating in Earth's orbit. My question is, how did it get

What is the significance of the number 12 in the MCU?

There are various different uses of the number 12 across the Marvel Cinematic Universe: Does it have any significance at all or is it a running gag?

How does Vision lift Thor's hammer in Avengers: Age of Ultron?

In some scenes in Avengers: Age of Ultron Iron man, War Machine, and Captain America try to lift Thor’s hammer but they end up failing. At some point Visi

Why did Tony Stark design the Hulkbuster armor?

What was the reason that Tony Stark designed the Hulkbuster armor in Avengers: Age of Ultron? Was it made specially for controlling the Hulk, or was there a so

Why did Thor electrocute the "cradle" containing Vision?

In Avengers: Age of Ultron, Thor channels lightning bolts into the "cradle" containing the still-inanimate form of Vision. Why? Was he hoping to kill it? To bri

How and Why are the Avengers already assembled at the beginning of Age of Ultron?

There is no mention of Avengers coming together. No mention of anyone calling them together. They don't gel really well, I suppose. How come Dr. Banner, Tony S

How is Scarlet Witch able to stop the train?

There is a scene in Avengers: Age of Ultron where Scarlet Witch stops a moving train with her powers. I didn't quite understa

Is Ultron dead in the end of the Avengers 2?

After the battle in Sokovia, the Vision and Ultron are talking. But when they are done the Vision shoots Ultron with a flash of light. But I don't think that ki

Why does Tony Stark replace Jarvis as his AI after Age of Ultron?

Jarvis was a very sophisticated artificial intelligence but essentially was software, right? It would seem uncharactistic (and kind of dumb) if Tony not have mu