Category "avengers-infinity-war"

What does Thanos mean when he says to Iron Man that he's "not the only one cursed with knowledge"?

Thanos says to Iron Man, You are not the only one cursed with knowledge Does this imply that Thanos is very knowledgeable as well like Iron Man? I didn't quit

Why didn't Dr. Strange tell Quill about Gamora in advance?

I see a lot of "Why didn't Dr. Strange do this and that?" questions and the justification for some was that Dr. Strange knew it would've failed either way as he

Is Nebula actually helping Thanos?

It bothered me so much in Avengers: Infinity War that just when they were getting the gauntlet off Thanos, Nebula revealed that Gamora was killed by Thano

Were the Wakanda scenes filmed at the same time?

Black Panther took place primarily in Wakanda, and the climax/ending of Avengers: Infinity War also took place there. Many of the actors, backgrounds, costumes

How did Thor know exactly where to show up?

Towards the end of Avengers: Infinity war, after Thor managed to re-light the forge and create Stormbreaker Thor, Rocket, and Groot use the Bifrost

Was there any significance to the order of Infinity stones placed in the Gauntlet?

In Avengers: Infinity War, Thanos was able to capture all Infinity stones and place them in the Infinity Gauntlet in the order he obtained them. But was that o

Why did Thanos do that at the end? [duplicate]

In Infinity War, Thanos implies that the reason that he wants to kill half of all life is because life generally grows beyond its means. That

What happens to Bucky's arm at the end of Infinity War?

Bucky (Winter Soldier) has a metal arm (possibly made from vibranium?) but it's an attachment to his body as far as I understand. Why, when Thanos destroys half

How can Dr. Strange use the Time Stone to do this?

In Doctor Strange (2016) there is a scene between the Ancient One and Dr. Strange with the following dialogue: Ancient One: I've spent so many years peer

Is Thanos able to exclude individuals from his culling? [closed]

Disclaimer: This question is very similar to another (Did Thanos pick them on purpose or was it random?) but I have some caveats I'd like to d

Did the movie events actually occur in one day?

SPOILERS inbound for Infinity War: After Wanda destroys the Mind stone of Vision, Thanos confronts her saying: Today I lost more than you could know, but n

Is this an inconsistency in the Infinity War and Guardians of the Galaxy?

In Infinity War, Thanos explains to Gamora that killing half of her people saved them from inevitable doom. You know what's happened since then? The childr

Does Thanos have any inherent superpowers without the Infinity Stones

Throughout Avengers Infinity War movie, we see Thanos fight with one or more Infinity Stones. So he's using their power to win against the Avengers. But does he

Do Thanos and Stark know each other in Avengers: Infinity War?

Throughout the movie Avengers: Infinity War there’s some relatable exchange between Thanos and Stark. Either they are talking to each other about each oth

Was Thanos really committed or just a hypocrite?

The title is extremely vague, because this question contains HEAVY spoilers for Avengers: Infinity War, specifically the very last scenes of the movie. I can't

Why/how is the Reality Stone an actual stone now, instead of a liquid?

About a week ago I came across a Marvel magazine that was a special edition specifically for Avengers: Infinity War. It provides the history of each Infinity St

Did this happen to Loki?

In Avengers: Infinity War, Loki was killed by Thanos. As we know Loki well for coming back from dead. I still wonder he is dead for real this time? Thor says

Did Thanos's calculations account for aftermath effects?

When eliminating half of the population of every world in Avengers: Infinity War, did Thanos account (and under-kill to account) for the massive casualties that

How did Spider-Man do it?

In the end of Avengers: Infinity War, Half the population cease to exist, by kind of disintegrating into nothingness. For everyone, the above happens pr

What about the rest of the universe?

In Avengers: Infinity War, towards the end of the film, Thanos is successful in halving the entire universe's population. But, when this happens, the film pre