Category "dark"

What caused these events in DARK?

How did the Apocalypse of 2020 and 2019 take place? What caused it and why did they happen at two different dates considering the waste leaks were triggered on

What exactly is this event?

What exactly was the apocalyptic event in Dark? And how much of the earth was destroyed? The post apocalypse scenes seem to point to that only Winden was affect

What is meant by "The beginning is the end, and the end is the beginning” in Dark?

Some characters of the Dark tv series say that The beginning is the end, and the end is the beginning. What does it mean? Is the quote related to the child

Why did Bartosz Tiedemann have a horrified look on his face when Silja Tiedemann gave birth to his child?

In the German TV show Dark, Silja Tiedermann travels back in time to 1890 where she falls in love with Bartosz Tiedemann and gives birth to his child. However,

Why did Adam kill her?

In Dark series Season 3, we see that Hannah travels back to 1911, to Adam (Jonas, his son) alongside Silja who is his half-sister. Adam tells them that they are

How was Dark written?

The recent series Dark features lots of time-travelling, loop-holes, and alternate dimensions. In the last season, we see references and explanations about t

Why is there is no Jonas in Martha's world?

In the TV series "Dark", there are a couple of times where a similar question (like "How is the Jonas version of Martha's world?") arises but it is never answer

Origin of 2 Marthas from Earth2

I've not been able to get the origin of the 2 Marthas at the end of Netflix's Dark. I did get to see the origin of 2 Jonas's during Earth1's apocalypse, where J

How did Claudia come back from the dead in Dark?

Okay. Let's assume there are two Claudias in Netflix's Dark. One from Jonas's world and another from Eva's world. Jonas' Claudia kills Eva's Claudia and she tak

How do they record the voice track in heavy rain scenes?

The voice track in Dark, especially in the heavy rain scenes of which there are quite a few, seems at odds with what we see on screen. The words don't sound lik