Category "die-hard"

What does "yippie ki yay" mean?

In the movie Die Hard, John McClane (Bruce Willis) says the line "Yippie Ki Yay". What does this mean?

Could a fire hose really support the weight of a falling man?

In the movie Die Hard, near the end, John McClane ties a fire hose around his waist and jumps off the roof of the Nakotomi plaza building. Would a fire hose re

Were the direct references to Die Hard and Under Siege made on purpose?

While Olympus Has Fallen was in its main theme and overall plot quite similar to many action movies of that kind, there were two particular scenes that I unders

How did Dick endanger Holly's children?

In Die Hard 2 Holly and Dick have a heated exchange in the plane and she says something like "Listen, buster. You endangered my children and you didn't do it f

Would valuables really have been stored in Nakatomi Plaza vault?

I have always wondered about that vault up on the 30th floor of Nakatomi Plaza (in the first Die Hard movie). Is it realistic that a mid-1980s corporation woul

What does "yippie ki yay" mean?

In the movie Die Hard, John McClane (Bruce Willis) says the line "Yippie Ki Yay". What does this mean?

Die Hard detonator insertion -- "F*** it"

Just before John McClane tosses the C-4 plastic explosive down the elevator shaft in Die Hard, he is inserting detonators into the C-4. After inserting two deto

If Al Powell was on desk duty, why was he driving black-and-white?

Die Hard includes a moment when police officer Al Powell says he is on "desk duty" because he accidentally shot a child who had a toy gun. But earlier, Al is sh

Did John McClane know Bill Clay was really Hans Gruber? If so, how?

Late in Die Hard, baddie Hans Gruber pretends to be an innocent bystander named "Bill Clay" and John McClane gives Hans a gun. The gun turns out to be unloaded,

Was Nakatomi corp. involved in illegal activity?

After Hans Gruber's gang seizes control of Nakatomi Plaza in Die Hard, Hans and several henchmen accompany Joseph Takagi to his office and this is said: Han

Would Theo face the death penalty post-Die Hard?

At the end of Die Hard, the bad guy Theo is knocked unconscious and presumably apprehended by the FBI or the Los Angeles police. Eventually, he would have been

Why didn't Hans Gruber know what Mr. Takagi looked like?

Hans Gruber is portrayed as being highly intelligent and organized. In most situations throughout Die Hard, he is calm and in control. The attack on Nakatomi

Did Mr. Takagi actually know the code key to the vault?

In Die Hard Hans Gruber and his associates take Nakatomi Plaza hostage in hopes of stealing $640 million in bonds. Hans needs a code key password from Mr. Taka

Did a TV edit of Die Hard have McClane say "Yippie Ki Yay Melon Farmer"?

In the Die Hard film series, John McClane (Bruce Willis) repeatedly utters the phrase "Yippie Ki Yay" followed by an Oedipal profanity. Needless to say, televis

What was Hans Gruber's plan in Die Hard?

In Die Hard, at some point, Hans Gruber reveals a part of his plan to John McClane: When you steal six hundred dollars, you can disappear

What makes Die Hard a Christmas movie?

It's a common theme in the meme community that Die Hard is a Christmas movie: I've seen Die Hard and other than taking place at Christmas, what else does it

Is it just a coincidence that the bad guys give Ellis a Coke?

Early in Die Hard, we are introduced to the businessman Ellis in a scene in which he snorts coke in Holly Gennaro's office. Later in the movie - in what turns

How did the first terrorist know John McClane was a cop?

In the iconic Christmas movie Die Hard John McClane discovers terrorists infiltrating the Nakatomi plaza. In his first encounter with a terrorist, McClane get

Could the electric company employee have wrecked Hans Gruber's plan?

In the original Die Hard, one of the key points of Hans Gruber's plan is that the police (and specifically the FBI) must eventually be notified, and allowed to

Why didn't Al Powell investigate the lights at the top of the building?

In Die Hard, Al Powell is told to check out Nakatomi Plaza, however, he wasn't told about someone calling in about the building take over or gun fire (McClane).