Category "prometheus"

Explain "hypersleep" from Alien, Prometheus, etc.?

Early in Prometheus, the human crew is in "hypersleep" for a couple years, and at one point, an android uses a touch-screen interface to "see" on a screen what

Why did this character in Prometheus kill without apparent reason?

At the end of Prometheus, why did the Engineer kill the humans? What is that thing that killed the Engineer?

How is Prometheus connected to Alien vs. Predator in the chronological sense?

At the end of Prometheus, we saw that a creature was born from the body of the dead engineer, which was essentially identical to the Alien creature pictured in

What was Weyland suffering from?

In Prometheus, it is shown in 2089, Dr. Shaw and Dr. Holloway discovered another cave-drawing of so-called engineers. In 2093, they reached LV-223. They have be

Why did the crew take off their helmets?

These were a group of some of the brightest scientists in the world, right? So why would they decide to take off their helmets on an alien planet? Even if th

The character of Weyland in Prometheus and Alien vs. Predator

Is Mr. Weyland a great grandchild of the Weyland in Alien vs. Predator?

The ending in Prometheus

When Elizabeth and David take off at the end of the movie Prometheus in the alien ship are they heading for LV-426?

What happened at the end of Prometheus Movie? [closed]

I watched Prometheus last night. Though I found some good information on Movies.SE, I still have some questions about the movie. There were s

In "Prometheus" why bring anyone but David-type androids?

In the movie "Prometheus" the android David flawlessly executes a seemingly endless range of tasks: learns to read and speak an alien language shoots a basketb

Is the Engineers' language in Prometheus similar to any human language?

Is the Engineers' language in Prometheus similar to any human language? Was this language developed further in any website or promotional material?

When did the scene at the start of Prometheus happen?

The engineers are supposed to have, right? That is shown at the beginning of the movie, with the self sacrifice, somehow seeding the initial lif

What happened to all the Aliens (Xenomorphs) that attacked the Engineers?

In the movie Prometheus, it is evident that the black goo backfired leading to the death of most of the Engineers on the planet. Now 'something' killed the Engi

How did they find the location of the moon?

In Prometheus, how did they determine the location of LV-223 just by looking at a bunch of cave drawings and inscriptions?

Why are the members of the crew in Prometheus not bothered about Elizabeth Shaw or her medical condition?

In Prometheus, the crew finds out Shaw is impregnated with some mysterious creature (trilobite). David knows it, she is taken into some lab. At the lab she kno

How does the medpod perform the abortion correctly if it is configured for male use?

In Prometheus, after figuring something bad is going on within her, Shaw goes to the medpod which earlier in the movie was described as "configured for male b

How to explain this in Alien and Prometheus considering Alien Covenant plot?

How did another Engineer ship with a chest-burst Engineer and lots of facehugger eggs end up on LV-426 (Alien) when all Engineers are supposed to be dead

Missing Dock Structure in Alien: Covenant

This seems to me like something that may ending being a mystery or something of an "oops" thing. I am not entirely sure which way it goes for now. In Alien: Co

Is Alien: Covenant set on the same planet as Prometheus?

So where did David find all those engineers to kill in Alien: Covenant? Is it the same planet where Elizabeth and David were stranded and then was found in Alie

How to explain this in Alien and Prometheus considering Alien Covenant plot?

How did another Engineer ship with a chest-burst Engineer and lots of facehugger eggs end up on LV-426 (Alien) when all Engineers are supposed to be dead

How does Shaw know the Engineers hate humans?

In the scene where David, Weyland, Shaw etc. wake the Engineer from stasis, Shaw shouts "ask him, why do they hate us? What did we do?" How does she know