Who are the statues at the Gates of Argonath?

Who are the statues at the Gates of Argonath? - Man in Black Hoodie Riding Trike

In Lord Of the Rings, when paddling down the river Anduin the fellowship pass by two statues, one on each side of the river, both holding their left hand forward. One is in armour and is bearded and carries a sword. The other is cloaked. Aragorn calls them "the Kings of old" but do we actually know which kings they are? They looked to me a lot like Elendil and Isildur.

Best Answer

I think it's Argonath you are talking about. Also known as The Gates of Argonath or The Pillars of Kings. The names of they are Isildur and Anárion.

Isildur was the High King of Gondor and Arnor. He also cut the One Ring from Sauron's hand. Anárion is the brother of Isildur. Both ruled together a part of Gondor.

The Argonath, also known as The Gates of Argonath or The Pillars of Kings, is a monument comprising two enormous statues carved in the likenesses of Isildur and Anárion, standing upon either side of the River Anduin at the northern approach to Nen Hithoel. It marked the northern border of Gondor, as nearby down south were previous outposts, the Amon Hen and the Amon Lhaw.

More information can be found for example here or here. Or you google 'lord of the rings two statues'. It was not hard to find ;-)

One another important thing:

Unlike in the book, in the movie the Argonath appears to portray Isildur and his father Elendil (shown holding a sword, not an axe, as portrayed during the film's prologue)

The Gates of Argonath

Pictures about "Who are the statues at the Gates of Argonath?"

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Who are the argonath statues?

The Argonath consisted of two enormous rock pillars, carved in the likenesses of Isildur and An\xe1rion facing to the north. Placed upon huge pedestals, each of the two figures held an axe in its right hand and its left hand rose in a gesture of defiance to the enemies of Gondor.

What were the statues in Lord of the Rings?

The fellowship of the ring is traveling to Mordor on the River Anduin by boats. At some point, they are passing two enourmous statues, on eich side of the river. Aragorn explains to Frodo that these statues are called the Argonath and they represent the old kings of Gondor.

Are the big statues in Lord of the Rings real?

5. Kawarau Gorge, Central Otago. When the Fellowship paddled down Anduin River in the first Lord of the Rings film, they were greeted by two towering statues \u2013 and although you won't spot them in real life (they were post-production wizardry), the area's natural beauty packs a mighty punch.

Who built the statues in The Lord of the Rings?

The Argonath comprises two huge statues standing either side of the River Anduin on the northern border of Gondor. The statues both have their left arms raised in a gesture of defiance to the enemies of Gondor. The sculptor of the models is Mary Maclachlan, who has signed the base.

LOTR The Fellowship of the Ring - The Argonath

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Images: Niki Nagy, Rachel Claire, Jorge Urosa, Mike van Schoonderwalt