Why didn't Aragorn Let Theoden kill Grima?

Why didn't Aragorn Let Theoden kill Grima? - Top view of slogan Stop Killing Us on surface of square blackboard on black background

After Gandalf released Theoden from Saruman's spell in The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, Theoden wants to kill Grima for making him "crawl on all fours like a beast". But Aragorn stops him saying "enough blood has been spilled because of him".

Why wouldn't he just let him die, he surely deserved it!

Best Answer

There's a recurring theme in The Lord Of The Rings, both novels and movie, that showing mercy towards wrongdoers is an act of highest morality, and that killing should be done only for defense, not for revenge.

The clearest example of this is Gollum. In the first movie there's this bit of dialogue, taken verbatim from the books:

         It's a pity Bilbo didn't kill him when he
         had the chance.

         Pity? It was pity that stayed Bilbo's
         hand. Many that live deserve death, and
         some that die deserve life. Can you give
         it to them, Frodo? 

Frodo frowns.

                   GANDALF (CONT'D)
         Do not be too eager to deal out death in
         judgment...even the very wise cannot see
         all ends. My heart tells me that Gollum
         has some part to play yet, for good or
         ill, before this is over. The pity of
         Bilbo may rule the fate of many.

This sentiment by Gandalf is, of course, foreshadowing Gollum's importance later on, and his essential role in destroying the ring.

Aragorn, in this case, is showing the same mercy that he doubtless learned from Gandalf. And not surprisingly, the same mercy does, later, come back to help the good guys, to Saruman's downfall - in the books he is responsible for Aragorn taking possession of the Palantir and later on for Saruman's death during the Scouring of the Shire. In the movie, we have this scene in the Extended Edition of the Return of the King where Grima redeems himself:

Grima Wormtongue appears behind Saruman. 

               Grima! You need not follow him! You were 
               not always as you are now. You were once 
               a man of Rohan. Come down. 

Grima looks like he going to come down. 


               Grima…. Come down! Be free of him! 

               Free? He will never be free!


 Saruman turns around to Grima! 

               Get down cur! (slaps him to the ground) 



Grima rises up behind Saruman and attacks him with the knife, 
stabbing him twice in the back. Legolas aims an arrow at Grima 
who falls shot in the heart. Saruman falls from the tower and is 
impaled on a great wheel below. 

Pictures about "Why didn't Aragorn Let Theoden kill Grima?"

Why didn't Aragorn Let Theoden kill Grima? - Unrecognizable woman with opened sketchbook with inscription and drawing
Why didn't Aragorn Let Theoden kill Grima? - Woman in White Shirt Holding Yellow Cellphone
Why didn't Aragorn Let Theoden kill Grima? - Free stock photo of adult, best friends, careful

Why is Grima Wormtongue spared?

When Grima Wormtongue is evicted from Theoden's court in The Two Towers he is given free leave to go wherever he wants. Gandalf, Theoden and the whole company are in no doubt that he is a plant of Saruman's who, once exposed, will presumably be quite keen to return to his true master's side (as indeed he does).

Why did Theoden let Wormtongue go?

Even after being revealed as a spy for Saruman and proven to be poisoning Theoden's mind slowly (The god damn KING OF ROHAN) they let him live. Not only that, they give him a horse to go back to Isengard with.

Did Grima Wormtongue kill Theodred?

As Grimbold came to his defence, Th\xe9odred was hewn down by a great orc-man, whom Grimbold slew. Elfhelm arrived to his support and they lifted the body. Th\xe9odred still breathed, only long enough to speak his last words. The news of Th\xe9odred's death caused Erkenbrand of Westfold to assume command of the West-mark.

What race is Grima Wormtongue?

Gr\xedma WormtongueGr\xedmaAliasesWormtongue, WormRaceMen of RohanBook(s)The Two Towers (1954) The Return of the King (1955) Unfinished Tales (1980)2 more rows

Why Didn't You Stop Me?

Sources: Stack Exchange - This article follows the attribution requirements of Stack Exchange and is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

Images: Brett Sayles, Skylar Kang, SHVETS production, RODNAE Productions